Thursday, September 13, 2007

I'm Back

Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted anything. Since my last post, my friend found out that she does not have Devic's disease so that is a relief but it still begs the question...what would you do? But I don't want to be too heavy on my first post in almost 4 months.

It's been a busy summer. We've gone to a couple of races, spent some time with family and celebrated Erin's baby dedication and first birthday. She is getting so big and she is so smart for her age. She is just talking up a storm. I'm going to hate to see her cell phone bill when she gets older! It's so amazing to watch her take everything in and learn so quickly. Every day brings something new. We only get to see her a couple of times a week and each time we see her she is so different. I wish sometimes that she would just stop growing but I know that won't happen...but I can wish for it anyway!

I've learned something this matter how tired I am of taking medication...NEVER stop cold turkey. I didn't realize what stopping a simple anti-depressant cold turkey could do to my body and my mind. I thought I was getting really ill and it was starting to scare me. I went to the Dr. and she did tests and everything came back negative. I kept looking things up on the Internet and it finally hit me one day to look up symptoms of withdrawal from my anti-depressant. BINGO! I started back on my meds and with in one week people could tell a difference in me. I could tell the difference in days. While I hate having to take any kind of medication, I have learned that at least for the anti-depressant I will wean myself off with a doctors help.

I have found a new passion this summer as well...sorta. I like to make cards and knew that card making and scrap booking went hand in hand but I always told myself I would never get into scrap booking because those people are crazy. Well, call me crazy. I did a few pages for my dad for fathers day and I was hooked. My husband commented on how long it took to make just one page but it was the most relaxing thing I did. I am no pro by any means but I do like to do it and I have met some amazing people at the new scrap store that opened up close to my home. In fact, I was just offered a job at that store tonight and I'm accepting the position. What better way to support my habit and learn from the pros!

Anyway...that's been my summer. It's been crazy and a little frightening at times but I'm ready for fall, pumpkins and apple orchards!

1 comment:

Kris's Korner said...

Long time no see. Call me sometime. Lots happening. Glad to hear your feeling better.