Friday, May 18, 2007

What would you do?

We all have our crosses to bear. Some of us have money troubles, some have marriage problems and some have health issues. We all know someone close to us who is having some kind of trouble in some aspect of their lives. I have arthritis in my right hand, Alan has kidney stones, Kris is diabetic, Trish has health problems, Kim has problems making ends meet...and the list goes on and on. Now we all see these as MAJOR problems in our lives but what if we were told one day that we had a terrible disease and would be lucky to live for five more years. What would you do?

That is a question a co-worker and his family have to find an answer. His wife was just diagnosed with a very aggresive form of MS called Devic's Disease. This can cause blindness, paralysis and death. This is a young couple in their early 30's with two children aged 2 and 1. Can you imagine knowing you will not grow old with your spouse or even live to see your children graduate grade school let alone high school and college. You will never see your children get married or meet your grandchildren.

What if this was your spouse or child or parent or sibling? What would you do? What would any of us do? We would go through rage, denial, grief and finally acceptance but what would we do with the time we have left. Now remember, five years isn't guaranteed. This disease is very progressive.

I want each of you who reads this to think about your life and what you would change if this were you and your family. What is meaningful to you, what is meanial. What do we worry about everyday or get angry about for no reason. How would you change your life.

We're all going to die but what if you knew when? What would you do?


Kris's Korner said...

Interesting question. I'm going to have to think about that for a while. I'll have to let you know

Kim said...

Very interesting Question? I'll have to think about one. It's a sad question.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is to make the most of each day that God has given to you. You have to decide what is the most important things in your life and actively seek them out. You have to make precious memories for your family (video tape as much as possible).

Johnny Alpha said...

well in my case i built a website about what i felt because i have devic's too and wanted to help and find others like me worldwide
you can find all info on devic's
love and hugs