Thursday, April 12, 2007

I have been reminded lately that I am not keeping up with my blogging once a month. Well, February and March were not the greatest months. My Maternal Grandmother died February 27th and because my brother and I are the only living relatives, we had to make the arrangements for the burial and funeral and then we had a limited amount of time to clean out her apartment. The cleaning was not an easy task because we believe she had Alzheimer's and one of the symptoms is being a pack rat. She had hundreds of paperback romance novels everywhere. What you have to understand is her apartment is generally the size of my kitchen, dining area and family room. There were books everywhere. There were also notes everywhere. It was a difficult time but it was made much easier by my best friend in the whole wide world, Lori. I don't think we could have gotten through everything without her, her husband George and her son, Zack. I'm still trying to figure out a way to thank her for what she did for us.

Of course we weren't home but maybe a week and a half from that ordeal when Alan had to go to the emergency room. We thought it would be the normal thing (he has kidney stones). We would go in, they would take and x-ray or do a CAT Scan, give him pain meds and a bag and a half of IV fluids and then send him on his way to manage any residual pain at home. You have to under stand the man has had kidney stones since he was eighteen. He will pass a stone about every three months and then go to the emergency room about once a year. This was supposed to be no big deal. Well, apparently life cannot be that easy. When they did the CAT Scan they saw two stones in between the kidney and the bladder. For those of you who have never had a kidney stone...this is when they are the most painful. We were in the hospital that day from around 7 am to 7 pm. He did fine until the next day around 2pm when I had to take him back to the emergency room. I won't go into the details but he was in the hospital for 5 days...on the 4th day they decided to do surgery to go get the stone he did not pass (he passed one 15 min before surgery). When I say surgery, there is no incision!

Of course while he was in the hospital, I ended up spending the night for two nights and I got sick. I am still suffering after 1 Z-pack and 3 weeks but I am slowly getting better.

Hence the reason I have not blogged to a couple of months.

1 comment:

Kris's Korner said...

Welcome back cutie pie. Nice to have you back